Saturday, 20 April 2019

Hallowe’en Editorial – October 31st, 1950, in the Guardian


Witches, ghosts, goblins et al will be on the prowl tonight. Citizens will be called to “shell-out” with appropriate eatables and haunting expeditions will become guests for loot. Oddly enough, taking part in Hallowe’en haunting is apt to be a death blow to superstition in the rising generation.  While ghost stories leave their mark on the impressionable minds, actually dressing up and taking part in a carnival of spirits gives the youngster a very matter of fact attitude towards psychic phenomena. The seriousness of pranks has declined for many years, very likely because of parties being organized which are much more fun than wanton destruction. The vigilance of the police has no doubt been another important factor in bringing about improved behaviour by the spirit world.  A splendid innovation has been made by the Charlottetown Kinsmen in holding annual Hallowe’en parties to which all youngsters of the city and environs are cordially invited. This event has grown in popularity from year to year, and tonight’s big party at the Armouries, starting at 7 o’clock, and including games and amusements, treats and prizes for costumes, should set a new mark for attendance and enjoyment. This outlet for junior high spirits is an ideal solution to the Halloween problem, and it is hoped that parents will cooperate to as wide an extent as possible.

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