Thursday, 31 December 2009

Items for 2010- Only a Few- There are Many More!

This year will be a busy year for me at council. Some of the items I will be working really hard to achieve this year include:

1. Paving for Perry and Meadow Heights Sub-divisions. Hopefully I will have support at council for this. I lobbied to have Water Street East repaved last year and we achieved that project.

2. Ditch-infilling- This has been ignored for years; finally we are seeing some progress. Last year, Crozier was completed in Lefurgey and hopefully I have council's support in investing more into this program. Also this program needs reviewed as I do not support the 10% charge to residents. I view this as another form of taxation. Should have been a more progressive plan to have ditches complete by now and I will continue to lobby. Interesting Technical Services meeting coming up on January 11th at 6pm to debate at council.

3. Crime Prevention Committee- This committee that we put together will be making some recommendations to council. These recommendations are based on consultations with the community at large, seniors groups, youth workers, police officers, not for profit groups, social workers, educators and professionals from justice. In my view, council needs to support their recommendations and I will be fighting hard to ensure that they get adopted.

4. Master Plan for Community Services- A master plan would involve consulting with the community through focus groups and surveys to find out the recreational and social needs of residents and then we would have to implement community priorities within an overall plan for the department. The department, in my view, has leaned towards an events component more so than a programming priority. We will continue to lobby for this at council. Stay tuned through the media for this.

5. City Utility- With our wind farm up and running, my hope is that residents not on the City Utility will one day be on the City Utility. I have lobbied, lobbied and lobbied and still this is not achieved. We will continue to work at this.

6. Anti-Poverty- As I have quietly done, I will still continue to lobby provincially, municipally and federally for the most vulnerable in our society. I have an open line of communication with our community groups and will continue to serve on the PEI Homelessness Initiative.

These are just some of the items I will continue to lobby for in 2010. Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on the paving of Meadow Heights. Driving down Matheson St is like competing in a rodeo! And Adams court is starting to collapse.

Cory Thomas said...

Yes, Matheson Street needs some work- as well there are drainage issues on the corner of Merriam and Matheson. Perry sub-division could use some paving as well.

Anonymous said...

I bet you're noticing some drainage issues today!

  This is me with the late, great Guy Lafleur. He was my first hockey hero. When I was maybe 6-7 years old, my uncle gave me a Guy poster wh...