Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Roaming Pets

Thomas says action needed on roaming pets :Wants to see if calls warrant a full-time animal control officer
JIM BROWN The Journal Pioneer
Should Summerside have a full-time animal control officer?That's what Coun. Cory Thomas, who chairs the City of Summerside's police services committee, wants to find out.He is approaching police to learn if there are enough animal calls to warrant turning a part-time contract job into a full-time position. "In my own area of the city I know of different instances where there have been dogs roaming free and (have) bit children in the past," he said.Thomas says he keeps his poodle on a leash when it is outdoors and is disappointed too many others don't."Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad dog owners out there."The issue will surface at Tuesday's meeting of the police services committee, which will also address concerns about roaming cats.He added he's received complaints about cats moving across property lines and causing mischief, including "clawing the screens of people's doors."A full-time animal control officer could also be called to deal with nuisance skunks and raccoons, he said.In any case, he won't bring a recommendation forward unless police say a full-time officer is needed."They're the experts who deal with those issues on a daily basis."

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